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Is This Love? 12 symptoms to look for

JAN 2023

If you recently met someone who brought out new feelings in you, you might be wondering “is this what love feels like?”. Or maybe you’re in a long-term relationship, the intense feelings are gone and you want to know if love is still there - either way, this article is for you.

At the beginning of a relationship the feelings are usually more intense, which makes it easier to identify and understand your feelings about the other person. Many people say “you just know” when you fall in love, but for some, it’s not that easy. Even with all the wonderful feelings and emotions you might be experiencing for the first time, you could still wonder - is this really love, or just an infatuation?

"Love is something sent from heaven to worry the hell out of you." This quote by Dolly Parton indicates the first symptoms of love - unless it’s a one-sided feeling, love usually feels heavenly. When you first start developing strong feelings toward someone, your energy levels increase, your heart starts racing when you’re around them, and you’re in euphoria. However, when you’re in love you also start caring about the person and your future together, which brings in other - negative love symptoms like anxiety, loss of appetite, or sleeplessness. Nevertheless, this only happens in the early stages of romantic relationships and does not necessarily indicate true love.

Love can be messy, complicated, and fluctuating, and is experienced differently by different people. But while there is no set checklist for identifying if what you feel is love, here are 12 science-backed love symptoms to look for.

1. You idealize them

When people fall in love, they tend to focus on the positive aspects of their partner. If you find your (potential) partner’s quirks attractive - you’re likely in love! Although overlooking the negative qualities might seem like an unsustainable thing for long-term relationships, research shows that this attitude actually leads to more successful ones.

2. You can’t stop thinking about them

If you feel like you’re addicted to this person, they are the first thought in the morning and the last one before you fall asleep - you’re probably in love. Scientists have found that early-stage romantic love creates changes in the brain similar to the ones created by drug addiction - so if you feel high, that’s actually common!

3. You constantly miss them

When you really love someone, you just can’t get enough of them, regardless of how much time you spend together. You miss them the second they leave, or even when they go to use the bathroom! Research shows that the extent to which you miss them when you’re apart reflects the level of your commitment. So if being close to this person feels like home - you’re in love.

4. It’s easy to be around, but you’re ready to fight

One of the most important symptoms of love is that it feels right. You can easily be yourself around this person, when you’re together - time flies, and everything just feels natural. However, after the first argument, you don’t consider breaking up as an option. If you love this person, you’re willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work - and you really want to.

5. You feel extremely happy and slightly anxious

You’re experiencing new positive feelings with your partner and feel excited to be with them. However, you’re also stressed about your uncertain future together, and since you want this relationship to last - you’re anxious. However, these feelings just show how much you care about this person and how much you want them to be a big part of your life - so don’t let that feeling scare you! As you get to know each other better and build new levels of trust and intimacy - the anxiousness goes away.

6. You imagine your future together

Whether your share your thoughts or keep them to yourself - imagining your partner in your future is a common sign of love. This symptom again proves you don’t want to let this person go and that you want to continue experiencing all the adventures in life only with them in it.

7. You become a bit possessive

You get at least a little jealous when your (potential) partner gives their attention to someone else, but you don’t get suspicious or take any action. You just want to get as much of their time and attention as possible, without sharing. There’s nothing bad in wanting the maximum closeness and the person to “be yours” if you understand they’re autonomous. Before saying the three big words, make sure that commitment to this person feels like a privilege.

8. You crave their physical affection

When you’re in love, you naturally want to be affectionate towards the person - whether it’s putting your hand on their leg, back, or shoulder, holding hands, cuddling, or making out. While emotional connection is equally important in relationships, if you’re in love - you’re attracted to your partner physically too.

9. You’re changing to make a better fit

If you’re in love, you might catch yourself subconsciously aligning your interests, lifestyle, and dreams with your partner’s. Some people even take over their partner’s manners and start dressing similarly! So if your friends notice any differences in your behavior or appearance - that’s probably because you fell in love.

10. You want emotional closeness

You want them to become an increasingly bigger part of your life by sharing every single detail about you and your day. But you also want to know as much as possible about your partner too, even their darkest secrets. Knowing their fears, dreams, regrets, favorite foods and places, what their childhood was like - all the little things they share with you makes you feel closer to them and creates a new level of intimacy.

11. You feel empathetic toward this person

If you love someone, you celebrate their wins and feel their pain as if it was yours. Their feelings directly affect you, and you are ready to make small sacrifices to make them feel better. Scientists say that mutual empathy is also a sign that your love could develop into a happy long-term relationship.

12. You prioritize them above everything else

You might not even notice how you start adjusting your schedule to have more time with this person. Other people and activities become less important and you’re ready to leave everything out just to be with your partner. You’re willing to let them win an argument even when they’re wrong for the sake of the relationship. Other attractive people fall out of your sight. Overall, your partner becomes your key focus and goal in life!

Key takeaway

Falling in love is usually associated with positive feelings and emotions. People feel like they’re walking on cloud nine, especially in the early stages of romantic relationships. However, even if you’re not sure if you still love your partner after a long time in the relationship - look for these signs to understand how you feel about them."

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